First Fellowship

First Fellowship meets on Wednesday evenings, and was inspired by Acts 2:42, which tells us that the first Christ followers enjoyed fellowship over a meal and were committed to the Apostles’ teachings. First Fellowship makes both of these possible: fellowship over supper and growing in the scriptures. We have a meal that begins at 5pm and classes for all ages that begin at 6pm. 

We hope to see you there!

  • Dinner begins at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall! Menus can be found in the pictures above. Don't worry, we always have kids' options! Our meals are always delicious, and the fellowship is always sweet!

    Prices are: $2 for ages 3-10, $7 for ages 11 and up, and $18 for families.

  • Discipleship Classes

    Most discipleship classes begin at 6pm! We have a wide variety of classes centered around a broader topic. This Fall Semester, our topic is: Spiritual Disciplines! You can learn more about these classes, who teaches them, what time they meet, and where they meet directly below! You can also sign-up for classes at the bottom of this page!